The charity Their Future Today (TFT), came to us again with a new challenge to be shown at their main annual event – a ball held at Hampton Court Palace.

They did not know what video they wanted, just that it needed to explain what they do, which is more then just helping an orphanage. We spent some time chatting with Lynn Stanier the Director of TFT and understanding all the different areas the charity work in, from meeting with government officials to setting up a preschool and educating other working in the industry over the harm institutions do to children. The charity is working to prevent the causes of child abandonment as well as help those who are abandoned to find their family.

Quite quickly, it was clear that a character lead animation would be the most effective way forward. However, we had a tiny budget, and so Purple Square team jointly decided we would work for less than rate fees.

The script as often is the case took the longest to get right, clearing the content through the charities board. It also took some time to find the right voiceover, a Sri Lankan young boy… it took some time but it was totally worth the wait. The right voice adds all the authenticity. You can see what mean for yourselves on the video below. 

We were very fortunate to also have the music production on board to work for below rate, not only did he record our voiceover artist, but he also composed a music track specifically for us. Having music carry all through the animation adds an enormous emotional connection for the audience.

Since this was for a large auditorium, we decided to subtitle the animation too, to ensure no one would miss the story.

The visuals of this animation are heart warming, Lisa did a great job of creating the illustrations which our new graphic designer Sophie animated together. Lisa had only one day to complete all the illustrations, it was a very long day, but still an incredible feet, since in the usual schedule of things, she would have at a couple of weeks.

Great team work putting this emotive story together. This version was played at the event, another version is being produced for social media with a CTA instead of credits at the end.

Below is last years video and the video we put together to play while the founder Lynn Stanier delivered her opening talk (so scroll through a little).

Are you ready to explore how a professional Video can help your business and goals to reach more customers? Contact us or leave a comment below and we will get in touch.